
TwentyFourSeven Mission Statement

We Exist to Reach, Relate and Restore youth to Passionately Pursue Christ.

TwentyFourSeven is the student ministry of Faith Bible Chapel in Page, AZ. 
Our goal is to introduce students to the real Jesus.

Growing together.

Recent studies show that 70% of students will walk away from the church when they graduate high school. That is an alarming statistic! At TwentyFourSeven, we exist to lead students in a life-changing, spirit-empowered relationship with Jesus Christ and eradicate that 70%. Here is how we do this.

The schedule of a typical student today is busier than it has ever been, but we believe that church is essential not optional. Church is where you hear the Word of God, and that's what builds your faith and helps you get to know the character of God. That is why we will gather regularly to create face to face moments with God for our students.
Wednesday Nights


TwentyFourSeven Youth
Wednesday Nights
7:00p.m. - 8:30p.m

We're here to introduce students to the real Jesus.
We believe that spiritual growth happens best in the context of relationships, which is why we do small groups  at TwentyFourSeven. Our small groups exist to provide students with the opportunity to grow more like Christ by moving one step forward at a time.

Wild-N-Out Game Night
(every 3rd Wednesday)
6:30 p.m. - 8:00p.m.

On the Third  Wednesday of each month, we throw a big party for our students.  Each Wild -N- Out includes amazing worship, Food and a great opportunity to hang out, meet new friends and play some games. Wild-N-Out begin at 6:30 PM and end at 8:30 PM, and we look forward to it all month long.


At TwentyFourSeven, we hope to be an influence in the life of your kids. However, we know that we aren't the ONLY influence. In fact, students are only here at church for up to 0.6% of their year. That means that 99.4% of that time they are with someone else. Fortunately, a lot of that time is spent with you, their parents, which means you have a greater influence on your kids than we do. But we want to help!

We believe that two combined influences can have a much greater impact than just separate influences. In other words, we are better together. When we are on the same page, pulling in the same direction and saying the same things, imagine what we can do together for your kids.

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