Pastor Appreciation Luncheon

October is Pastor Appreciation Month
Join us after service on October 13th for an Italian themed potluck lunch for Pastor Appreciation.  Please bring a main dish and a side to share.

Operation Christmas Child

OCC Supply Drive
We will be collecting shoebox supplies for Operation Christmas Child during the months of Sept. and Oct. All of the supplies will be used for a Packing Party in Nov. where we will be packing shoeboxes as a church. Items to donate (list in the foyer) include hygiene items, school supplies (on clearance now!), clothing, toys, games, and Wow items. Any questions please contact 
Church Office928-645-3012

Calling One Million Esther's

On October 12, 2024, a million women are being called to the National Mall in Washington DC to pray for this nation. It is being referred to as an Esther Event.
For more information go to: If you would like to be part of this historic event and can't go to Washington DC, join us at: FAITH BIBLE CHAPEL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th 10:00AM - 2:00PM (Doors will be open, come when you can.)This is not a celebration or festival. It is a Call and day of Atonement. Like Esther, we need an intervention from God. This is a solemn assembly day of fasting. (We will not be serving snacks or food. It is understood that some may require food during those hours, if so, please bring it with you.)
NOTE: We are working on live streaming. If not available, God has given Diana Stephens' short teachings to guide us into a direction of prayer for this even

Ladies Brunch

Join us October 19th at 11:00 am in the fellowship hall for Women’s Brunch. Bring your favorite Mexican dish and or dessert to share.  Our special speaker will be Jennifer Allen-Kimbal. Jennifer has been a Women’s Ministry Leader at Central Church-Kingman Campus for the past 7 years and loves showing what Jesus has done by sharing experiences with others! Please sign-up in the foyer or contact the Church Office at 928-645-3012 for more information.