Faith Bible Chapel Announcements

Celebration of Life Florence DeJolie
A Celebration of Life for Florence will be held Saturday, April 27th at 10:00 am here at Faith Bible. The family has asked for help with side dishes for a luncheon to follow the service. The main dish will be roast beef and will be provided by the family. For more information, please contact Charlotte Tsosie at 928-640-7577
VBS 2024
VBS 2024 is set for June 3rd – June 6th M-Th. The theme this year will be SCUBA. There will be more information coming in the next couple of weeks.
Events at a Glance
May 12th Mother’s Day
Help Needed
Mayson Salter was diagnosed with myelofibrosis and is only the third person in the world to be diagnosed with this disease under 50. He has been hospitalized and is undergoing chemo and a bone marrow transplant this month. Due to his anti-rejection medicine, it caused his jawbones to wither away so he had to get all of his teeth extracted. They will be in the hospital for a minimum of 6-8 weeks without any complications. Anyone interested in sending cards of encouragement or donations, please contact Rachelle Trent at 928-660-3069 for a list of items he may need. She will be making a trip down on April 22nd to visit him and would be happy to drop off cards or donations to them at that time. donations to them at that time.
You may download our church app by texting Faith928 to 206-859-9405
You may donate online at under the link make a donation!

Donate online using the QR Code below!

Church App/Website Giving
Just a reminder that if you are tithing through the Subsplash church giving app or the website, you can only give through the general fund. We cannot except designated giving through these platforms as they charge the church fees for giving.

Online Giving
Visit the Church website or download the Church app to give to the church. You can also send your tithe through the mail at:
PO Box 845

Page, AZ 86040
Meal Ministry 
Meal Ministry Coordinator is Bob Lemons; if you are in need of a meal contact the church office at 645-3012
First time visitors can download our church app by texting 
You can donate online at under the link make a donation!